Bruce started by making his own rolling tray allowing him to keep all his bits and pieces used to roll and smoke in one easy location, on a tray! But his craft is turning into a business now and he needs a logo designed!
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His craft has already grown into a part-time business and he is looking at taking it a step further. So any talented or not so talented designers, are welcome to submit as many logo designs of their choice by tagging him ( @thefartingflea ) on Instagram or emailing him a sample.
Much easier to have all your rolling papers, tips, with your grinder, pipe and lighter on one neat tray. The wooden rolling tray is easy to carry around and can be used on a flat hard surface or balanced on both your knees while you roll a fat one. All rolling trays are handcrafted using a variety of woods.
So basically, for the winner of best logo design for the farting flea wins the sponsored prizes below, winner takes all.
The prizes are massive!
1x A3 print of the winning logo (once the contest ends)

Hey guys and lady guys. As mentioned before, I need a logo designed for The Farting Flea. The winning design will get their owner a personalized rolling tray, 1000 years of good luck, world wide fame and maybe even another little something something! Not too shabby hey? DM me for details and references. 👊
So here are the guidelines:
1) I am looking for a cartoon like image of a farting flea.
2) the drawing should be fairly simple for etching purposes (see post pic).
3) please try and make me laugh.
4) winner to be chosen on 31 March 2021
5) Show me yours and I’ll show you mine!
This competition is only valid to South Africans, but please don’t let that stop you overseas type people from entering. There is still the chance to win 1000 years of good luck and worldwide fame.
If you would like to speak with Bruce or enquire about your own custom rolling trays, please contact him via DM on IG. Click here. Best of luck.
Below are some samples of logo’s already submitted to the contest:
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