Marijuana opponents continuously talk about the “potential” danger of cannabis use. One would think some real stats would dispel this once and for all. Take a look at this:
Annual Deaths
Tobacco: 435,000
Poor Diet/Exercise: 365,000
Alcohol: 85,000
Prescription Drugs: 32,000
Motor Vehicle Crashes: 42,347
Homicide: 20,308
Aspirin: 7,600
Peanuts 100
Marijuana: 0
So many other things are seriously lethal and yet, this:
First, you will fall into “a delirious rage.” Then you will be gripped by “dreams… of an erotic character.” Then you will “lose the power of connected thought.” Finally, you will reach the inevitable end-point: “Insanity.”
Yes, folks that is the statement made by Harry Anslinge that started the prohibition on marijuana in 1930. Just after alcohol prohibition ended!
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⚡️November 30th⚡️ Time is running out to get KKOG Greenhouse Grow Investor Bricks

⚡️November 30th⚡️ Time is running out to get KKOG Greenhouse Grow Investor Bricks