“NORML supports the right of adults to use cannabis responsibly, whether for medical or personal purposes. All penalties, both civil and criminal, should be eliminated for responsible use, possession and cultivation.”
What do we do now!
NORML SA is a to the death supporter of Fields of Green for All Network and Dagga Couple. We have supported their movement and revolution since the beginning and will support them until they run into hiding on some remote island far away.
NORML SA is a proud member of the Cannabis Development of South Africa (CDCSA) who is working on a government and national level to implement a legal framework for cannabis in South Africa.
The proposed CDCSA is an all Inclusive self regulating Cannabis Industry Association whose duly elected representatives will form part and associated with the National Hemp Foundation to help regulate and control the cannabis industry of South Africa.CDCSA
If you are interested whether you are an individual or business please register as a member on their website for a future developments in a the local regulated cannabis market.
Long time friend and supporter of Jeremy Acton the leader of the Dagga Party of South Africa. We have provided hosting and domain services to the party for 3 years, enabling them to have a secure and reliable online presence.
Thanks for sharing this.
I would be proud to be a member of Cannabis Development of South Africa (CDCSA) and help regulate and control the cannabis industry of South Africa.
Best regards,
Please join through the CDCSA website. https://cdcsa.co.za