We have always known that Cannabis / Dagga can help South Africa in many ways. Our lives have changed to the point where everything is divided into: Before the lockdown; During the lockdown and
the period where the Covid-19 epidemic restrictions are lifted. Slowly. We cannot call it “after Covid-19”. Yet.
Before Covid-19 we had nearly 100 years of Cannabis prohibition, brutally enforced by the South African Police Service, resulting in approximately 1000 arrests a day at one point.
Before Covid-19
Before Covid-19 we had the Constitutional Court judgment that declared the prohibition of the personal use and cultivation of Cannabis unconstitutional. No trade.
Before Covid-19 we had a year’s reprieve around the sale of CBD under certain conditions. That reprieve expired on 15 May 2020.
During Covid-19
During Covid-19 we had CBD products being certified as essential items. We also know that those in the underground market kept rolling because the demand has been huge and good people disobey bad laws.
During Covid-19 we heard our Minister of Finance reiterate his support for legally regulated Cannabis in South Africa.

During Covid-19 prohibition was ramped up with the banning of the sale & transportation of alcohol & tobacco products. Drinkers & tobacco smokers got a taste for what we, the Cannabis Community of
South Africa, have been going through for the last 100 years. The underground market in these products
is thriving.
During Covid-19 all South Africans venturing outside their homes experienced the police & army out in full force. We have all read about arbitrary arrest & detention together with police & army brutality.
The family of a man killed by the police have had loads of attention in the media and rightly so. Pity everyone forgot about the Rastafarian elder who was beaten to death by the police in December 2019 in Wellington in the Western Cape.
During Covid-19 it became clear as daylight that both our Minister of Police and our Minister of Cooperative Governance & Traditional Affairs are very staunch prohibitionists with little or no regard for science or real evidence.
The Aftermath
As the Covid-19 lockdown restrictions are eased (we are not sure how & when this is going to happen) the Cannabis Community in South Africa is going to MOBILISE!!!
For the month of June 2020 we are going all out to draw attention to the fact that Cannabis Can Help South Africa (CCHSA). We will leverage all of our databases, social media & terrestrial media channels, culminating in a letter to the President, The Minister of Finance & the 22 government departments that will have to be involved in the legal regulation of Cannabis in South Africa.
Petition: Strive to get 42000 signatures for our seven year old petition. To date we have 31839 signatures with SA ID numbers and 33666 overall, which includes international signatures.
Each week will have a THEME which will be based on one of the 5 important content chapters in our:
Cannabis in South Africa: The People’s Plant – A Full Spectrum Manifesto for Policy Reform:
1) Cannabis 101: How do we educate our lawmakers around the actual plant & dispel the myths created by 100 years of prohibition?
2) Background, History & Context: never, ever forget that this is the last apartheid law!
3) Leaving Nobody Behind: The six principles of fair regulations. Cannabis cannot help South Africa unless we have fair regulations.
4) The Full Spectrum Model: (this will be over 10 days) Covering what we propose the new laws would look like. Emphasis on hubs & clubs.
5) The Way Forward: Support industries, research, education, the importance of technology, the rest of Africa, etc
Fields of Green for ALL’s CCHSA dedicated web page will be the portal that all posts are linked to. Links out to stakeholders, affiliates & organisations. Call to action:
READ – Manifesto, blog posts, court evidence, press releases, FAQ
LISTEN – Manifesto Readings, interviews
WATCH – YouTube video archive, new video content, HotBoxShow
SIGN & SHARE – Petition
HOW CAN I HELP? – Share, Donate, Shop, Win
A digital street team will be provided with a pack of resources which will be updated throughout the campaign. Fields of Green for ALL has an approximate 100 000 social media reach & a significant terrestrial media database. Together with the street team, our affiliates and the Cannabis Community at large, we should be able to reach millions. Welcome on board for a crazy June!

CannabisCanHelpSouthAfrica #DaggaCanHelpSouthAfrica #StopTheCops #JoinTheQueue #DaggaCouple #FieldsofGreen
Originally Published to Weed.co.za