Established during 2008 at a pub in Melville South Africa when cannabis was still very illegal. We lit it up with a reggae gig, rasta market in Cool Runnings. The place was filled with smoke and the police came and left. We smoked till the early hours of the morning and found the South African chapter of NORML. Since then there have been plenty of contributors to NORML as a representative for cannabis legalization in South Africa and other African countries.
NORML supports the right of adults to use cannabis responsibly, whether for medical or personal purposes. All penalties, both civil and criminal, should be eliminated for responsible use, possession and cultivation. Further, to eliminate the crime, corruption and violence associated with illicit cannabis trade – a legally regulated market should be established where consumers could buy cannabis in a safe and secure environment.
We support or are members of the following cannabis activist and organisations in South Africa.
We believe all criminal records related to cannabis possession, use or cultivation should be pardoned and that all current prisoners of cannabis should be released.
Contact Us: contact@norml.org.za
Global Marijuana March NORML
Russ Belville NORML Radio

“Criminalisation is a total farce,” says Chris Jay, the founder of the South African chapter of the National Organisation for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (Norml), which advocates for the right of adults to use cannabis. “I think countries need to look at the bigger picture and look at models that are tried and tested for decades, such as in the Netherlands and Portugal, and legalise all drugs.” – Source 2020
"Walking the 5km route Backwards to NORML is about highlighting the absurdity of criminalizing cancer patients that want to be able to legally use or grow medical marijuana to treat their cancer." - Source -2011
“Dagga activists NORML in the country” Source – 2011
“This weekend saw the birth of the first Cape Canna Fest, an initiative started by NORML South Africa to “unify the South African Cannabis culture and give us all a voice.” The day started off with the Global Marijuana March” – Sauce 2012
“There is growing awareness among global and South African citizens that drug war propaganda against the Cannabis plant and its consumers is not scientifically based and does not justify criminalisation,” the group, NORML South Africa posted on its Facebook page. Sauce 2013
“The initiative was organised by the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) South Africa and aims to legalise the use of the substance.” Sauce – 2013
" Saturday 05 May saw the birth of the first Cape Canna Fest, an initiative started by NORML South Africa to unify the South African Cannabis culture and give us all a voice." sauce 2013
“Sasha Dowding, the chief communications officer at NORML SA, which advocates for the legalisation of cannabis, said it was time the health profession “seriously looked into medical marijuana as an effective, low-cost and 100 percent natural treatment”. Sauce 2014
NORML or the National Organization of the Reform for Marijuana Laws has advocated for the decriminalization of cannabis for over 40 years. Its founder, current leaders and nationwide chapter representatives describe the patchwork of state and municipal laws that allow the sale of medical marijuana, while the federal government still regards cannabis as a dangerous narcotic.
Voters in the U.S. are increasingly recognizing the positive aspects of accepting and controlling medical marijuana in their communities for its medicinal benefits, as well as for its potential to generate needed tax revenue.
A NORML LIFE shares the personal stories and testimonies attesting to the efficacy of medicinal marijuana from those who are suffering from chronic illnesses. To what extent should we allow the government to legislate over personal freedoms and liberties with regard to our health and treatment?
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/anormllife
Amazon Instant: http://www.amazon.com/NORML-Life-Vivi